Best Hindu Mantras And Their Meanings

Best Hindu Mantras And Their Meanings
A mantra is an energy, it has its own vibrations and a certain power; by constant repetition, it awakens the consciousness, it releases energy and empowers a mental process.
In fact, it protects us from the outside world and releases blocked energy.
The word mantra comes from “man”, which in Sanskrit means “to think” and “tra” – liberation from the outside world.
In other words, Hindu mantras release the energy contained in the sound, because the divine power is manifested through sound.
These sounds pulsate with energy.
Therefore, chanting creates a resonance in the body which vibrates, healing the body, brain, and soul.
But most important is that they connect us to the source of vital energy.
This happens not only when you repeat mantras. If you’re not too far from where they are pronounced, then you may also feel their blessings – whether you know it or not!

The most important Hindu Mantras:

1. Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri mantra is one of the oldest and most powerful Hindu mantras and also the most popular Hindu hymn. Hindus strongly believe that by constant interpretation and a firm hallmark of this mantra into the mind, they can attain supreme happiness and carry out all the tasks ordained by the Divinity in this existence.
The word “Gayatri” explains the existence of this hymn, referring to the mantra that rescues the one who invokes it from all situations that may lead to death.

2. Shanti Mantra

The Shanti Mantras or “Peace Mantras” are Hindu prayers for Peace (Shanti) from the Vedas. Generally, they are recited at the beginning and end of religious rituals and discourses.

3. Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Mantra

This twelve syllable mantra is known as a Mukti (liberation) mantra and a spiritual formula for attaining freedom.

4. Om Namah Shivaya Mantra

Its translation is “adoration to Siva”, preceded by the mystical syllable “Om”.
Om Namah Shivaya mantra is sung by devotees in prayers and recited by yogis in meditation. It is associated with qualities of prayer, divine love, grace, truth, and blissfulness.

5. Maha Ganapati Mool Mantra

This is a very powerful mantra which is chanted to invoke Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. It is believed that Ganesha Mool Mantram needs to be chanted before beginning any new project as it will help to remove any obstacles and gives success in one’s efforts.

6. Moola Mantra 

The Moola Mantra is basically a mantra which states the names of God in Sanskrit.

7. Tumi Bhaja re Mana Mantra

This is a mantra of great beauty and devotion. Chanting the names of God can be done inwardly or outwardly, with words or without, leading the heart to open to the Divine.

8. Om Shanti Om Mantra

“Om Shanti Om” it is one of the Vedic Mantra which has got a religious and philosophical meaning. Om is believed to be a sound of the whole cosmic manifestation. And Shanti is the “Peace”.

9. Aum (Pranava Mantra)

The sound of Om sustains life. Om also represents the four states of the Supreme Being. The three sounds in Om (AUM) represent the waking, dream and deep sleep states and the silence which surrounds Om represents the “Bliss” state.

10. Om Hraum Mitraya Mantra

This is a Hindu chant used to call and vibrate towards communion, unity, friendship and understanding…inseparable features to achieve Peace. (quote by Marco Garrido)

11. Shiva Shambo Mantra

This is a mantra for the devotion of Shiva. The meaning of Shiva translates as: “who promises you bliss”.


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