Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile

Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile

Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile

English | 360 pages | PDF | 110 MB

Tracing the history of the automobile, from the first prototypes to the super cars of today, Car covers the technological developments and manufacture of cars, the cultural backdrop against which the various models arose, and the enduring impact the car has had on society as an object of curiosity, symbol of luxury, and item of necessity.

The most lavishly illustrated treatment of the subject on the market, featuring the most noteworthy cars of each decade in beautifully photographed catalogs, Car is truly an international view of the automobile through time, with histories of the men and machines that created brands which are now household names.

Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile

Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile Car: The Definitive Visual History of the Automobile


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