
Kava-KavaKava-KavaPiper methysticumAva. Intoxicating Peper
shrub : Kava kava can be used as a mild sedative for nervous tension and stress. The active constituents in the roots, kava lactones, have relaxing and intoxicating properties....
Kelp/BladderwrackKelp/BladderwrackFucus vesiculosisFucus, Seaweed, dried
Seaweed : Kelp is commonly used in herbal medicine to stimulate the thyroid function, and can be effective in weight loss as part of a low calorie diet....
Kola NutKola NutCola acuminata
Tree : Kola nuts contain caffeine which may explain their popular use in energy tonics. Native to Africa....
KudzuKudzuPueraria lobata
Perennial woody vine : Kudzu shows an ability to both decreases the amount of alcohol a person drinks, and help prevent hangovers. The plant is also used in traditional Chinese medicine....
Kukui Nut Oil Kukui Nut OilAleurites moluccanusCandlenut, Indian-walnut, candleberry
Tropical tree : Kukui oil is expeller expressed from the nuts, and is light yellow with an amber tint. The oil penetrates skin deeply to hydrate and soften and is used an an emollient in skin care....


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