Real Indian Ghost Story with Pictures - Uncle Verma and the Haunted Road

Photograph of a haunted road in Himachal Pradesh near Chail. Although highways are always full with vehicles moving up and down the hills but some roads that go toward small villages far from the main highway are really lonely and spooky especially..
Photograph of a haunted road in Himachal Pradesh near Chail. Although highways are always full with vehicles moving up and down the hills but some roads that go toward small villages far from the main highway are really lonely and spooky especially..
Source: soni2006 Himachal Travel Pics Copyright 2012
A lonely road. Now how it will be in night. You don't know what's in store for you on the next turn.
A lonely road. Now how it will be in night. You don't know what's in store for you on the next turn.
Source: soni2006 Travel Pics Copyright 2012
Women ghosts are more scary than men ghosts. Do you agree?
Women ghosts are more scary than men ghosts. Do you agree?
Source: soni2006 Pics Copyright 2012
Ghost house of Kapurthala, India
Ghost house of Kapurthala, India
Source: soni2006 Pics Copyright 2012
May God bless you.....
Hi friend,
I myself strongly believe in ghosts and spirits and I do believe in God too. The story I am going to tell you today is not my experience but I have heard this story from my friend and seriously after listening to this, I got goose bumps and chills so that is why I am sharing this story with you. Now read on carefully.
This story is of Mr. Verma (my friend's uncle) whom I do not know personally and this story is 9--10 years old. At that time, Mr. Verma was a government officer and was living in a small village in Himachal Pradesh in India with his family. His office was 10--12 kilometers away from his home and he used to travel by his bike. It was the month of March and you all know that it is a closing time of old financial year and opening of new financial year, so government officers have to work late nights to complete pending logs and files.
It was around 11.30 in the night when he came out of the office and it was raining heavily. Uncle always used to travel by highway but that day, he wanted to take a shortcut because it was raining and he wanted to reach home as soon as possible. That shortcut was a kind of haunted road but he thought that nothing will happen and these all are just rumors and nothing else. It was a chilling windy night and rain on top of that. The trees were shaking due to the force of wind and were making horrible noises. Uncle was frightened, shivering with cold, and started chanting Sri Hanuman Chalisa (an Indian holy song) and safely traveled some kilometers.
After traveling some more kilometers, he forgot that he was frightened and noticed that it is just about to be morning as darkness was getting off. He thought that now he is safe as it is going to be morning but suddenly he looked at his watch and noticed that it was 12.45 am. He said "Oh god how come it is 12.45 a.m. right now as I thought that daylight is just about to come".
Then he noticed that it was not going to be morning but it was moonlight that was confusing him with daylight and then he relaxed and sped up his bike. After approximately 10 minutes of driving, he noticed a lady on the right side of the road asking for a lift. At first, he thought that she is in real need and then suddenly something struck his mind and he again sped up his bike. Then again after driving for 5 minutes, he saw the same lady asking for the lift. Mr. Verma said "Oh My God how come she is here, as she was around half a kilometer back". Uncle's body started shaking with fear and he just forgot about God and thought that this is something unusual. He again sped up his bike, as he wanted to reach home as soon as possible before anything bad happens to him.

For lovers of haunted highways

Bear Lake Beast / Vergas Hairy Man
Amazon Price: $1.99
Haunted Highways: Spooky Stories, Strange Happenings, and Supernatural Sightings
Amazon Price: $9.56
List Price: $14.95
The haunted road
The haunted road
Haunted road house
Haunted road house
Real Indian Ghost stories in the news
Real Indian Ghost stories in the news
Female ghosts on the road
Female ghosts on the road
Indian Ghosts
Indian Ghosts
After some time, again he noticed the same lady asking for the lift and at this time, she screamed for help saying "PLEASE HELP ME". I am lost here. Please stop. She was wearing a red saree with heavy jewelery but uncle did not stop and said to himself "I am going to die today".
That lady started running with the bike at almost the same pace and starting saying, "Vermaji please stop and take me with you. I want to go home". Uncle was more horrified when she called his name. He was driving the bike at a speed of 60--70 kilometers per hour at that time and was shivering like hell. Uncle sped up but it was not possible as there was some strong force from behind that was stopping him from racing his bike. The lady started laughing and crying at the same time and said "I died at the same road many years back and it's your time today". Her face changed from sweet and innocent to scary and weird. Uncle Verma was so horrified that he started shivering but had not lost his consciousness. He just changed the last gear and moved his arm on the accelerator until the end. He never looked back to see her.
She followed Uncle Verma for another 2 kilometers or so and after that, he reached a place where some guards were sitting lighting up campfire. Uncle just stopped the bike in front of them and had some water from them. After having water, he told them what happened to him and they all said that "You have done a very good job by not stopping the bike because if you would have stopped the bike, you would not have been alive by now." The oldest guard told the uncle that "I am living over here for the last 10 years and in these 10 years, I have heard about more than 50 accidents of cars and bikes on that haunted road". He told uncle that "God is with you that is why you are alive".
So friends, I believe in ghosts, spirits, and paranormal as I believe in the Almighty God. I have heard about many ghost stories of same type here in India from many of my friends. I will share with you these stories in my upcoming hubs. The most interesting and chilling roadside story, which will shake your spine is of a 39-year-old driver who has faced these horror incidents many times in his life. Bye, bye up until then. Take care.........


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